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Now Available: 2024 Scholarships for Nacha's Payments Institute!

Macha is pleased to announce that we're accepting applications now for this year’s Payments Institute (TPI) by Nacha Scholarship Award. The scholarship offers a unique opportunity for a deserving individual to attend the four-day school in Atlanta, GA from July 14-17, 2024. These scholarship awards are a members-only benefit and they provide an opportunity for an individual to study the latest developments in payment systems. The scholarships cover room and board (except for dinners), and tuition.

TPI is a unique educational event offering:

  • Six schools of study:
    • Accreditation Prep (AAP, APRP, AFPP)
    • Faster Payments
    • Front Line Applications for Corporates
    • Open Banking, Payments Innovation & Technology
    • Payment Networks
    • Risk, Regulatory, Compliance & Legal
  • A Master's program focused on business strategies for the payments industry (limited seating)
  • General knowledge lecture-style courses with a base approach to TPI curriculum.

TPI gives you needed knowledge, flexibility, and skills to succeed in the payments industry by way of a university-style, intensive four-day curriculum. Faculty members at the Payments Institute represent the top echelons of corporations, financial institutions, government, consulting firms, and payments networks.

Eligibility Terms
All members of Macha are eligible to apply for the scholarship regardless of size or industry. The ideal applicant’s role should include responsibilities that promote, use, or assist with ACH or payment-related services. There are no restrictions on the applicant’s job function, title, or official status. The applicant’s supervisor, manager, or an officer of the organization must sign the scholarship application. Scholarship recipients must commit fully to the program, including attendance at all scheduled sessions. Scholarship recipients are required to stay onsite at the school’s housing, unaccompanied by a spouse or dependents. Macha’s Board Members and Advisors are not eligible for our scholarship awards. The scholarship includes tuition and room and board (except for dinners) with an approximate value of $2,800.00.  

Congrats to Macha's 2024 TPI Scholarship Winners:

  • Jennifer Reese-Yommer (Apple Federal Credit Union)
  • Lynn Fannin (County Bank)
  • Amy Steenbock (Premier Community Bank)

Quotes From Prior TPI Scholarship Winners

"[TPI] was an amazing opportunity for me to expand my payments education. In addition, the environment and activities were very conducive to meet new colleagues and exchange ideas with them. I am incredibly grateful to Macha for choosing me to attend [TPI]. Your continued support has been instrumental in elevating awareness in my new risk management role within Wintrust!"- Lisa Coduto, AAP, APRP (Wintrust Financial Corporation)

"This was my first time attending TPI and it was wonderful. I was so honored to be chosen has a scholarship winner. I enjoyed meeting everyone and have made some great new friends. I enjoyed all the sessions that I attended and wish I could have attended more. I would recommend TPI to everyone and I can’t wait to attend again next year." - Rhonda Hurd (Del-One Federal Credit Union)

"Attending TPI was an incredibly rewarding experience that I think anyone in the Payment Operations Team/Industry should attend if they can. This experience provided me with invaluable knowledge and offered a supportive and inclusive learning environment. I was honored to be in the same room with amazing individuals who shared common passion for payments." - Kat Mendoza (HawaiiUSA Federal Credit Union)

"I am honored to be one of the TPI scholarship recipients. This was my first time attending TPI and it was awesome! The faculty of the sessions were very informative, and open to questions during and after the sessions. I brought back so much that I learned to my team and made a few new friends along the way! I’m looking forward to attending next year!" - Barb Zlotorzynski, AAP (Service1 Federal Credit Union)

About Nacha's Payments Institute

Nothing beats being there. Join us this June at TPI On Campus for an incomparable learning experience. Build a course schedule that meets your needs. Bolster your expertise, and maybe dip a toe into a new pool of knowledge to expand your horizons. Introduce yourself to your classmates while you’re waiting for class to begin and make new friends and connections. Chat with your professors after school and ask questions. TPI On Campus is an investment in your career and your future.

Visit the Nacha website for more information!

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